
It doesn't matter if a person loved or disliked their job, leaving is difficult. It's a drastic change in routine, and not everything is black and white. There are always compromises, and saying goodbye, for example, due to a lack of development or opportunity is a package deal. It includes the good too, such as cherished friendships and memories with colleagues and friends.

Planning a last working day email

A farewell email is one of the most common ways people say goodbye when they move on to pastures new. However, writing a thoughtful email is challenging and shouldn't be left until the last minute.

For this reason, we highly recommend saving a draft of your goodbye email and having it ready for the last day. Writing the perfect — or simply adequate goodbye, is a time to express gratitude for the time spent at the company and the relationships forged between colleagues.

But only a few paragraphs should be needed to summarise everything that needs to be said. After all, everyone's time is short these days, and sending an email that's more similar to an essay than a letter could put people off reading it.

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10 leavers email template exmaples

1. Farewell email to peers and coworkers

This should be the easiest as it’s neither too emotional or sentimental. Remember to show your intention of keeping them in your network.

Hi [Their name],

As you may know, I’m leaving [Company X].

I want to make clear my gratitude for being able to get to know you both professionally and personally over the past [X years/months]. Without your friendship, support and collaboration, my time here would not have been the same. I’m sure I’ll see you before I leave, but if not, my last day is [Date X] [include plans such as leaving drinks].

My broad plan for the future is [Plan X]. I’m excited to get started but will also cherish all our achievements together, like [Achievement X]. If you don’t already have my contact details, here are the essentials:

[Phone X, email X, LinkedIn X]

I look forward to keeping in contact and hearing your updates about work, life, whatever! Please don’t hesitate to get in touch should you need anything or want to catch up.

Wishing you all the best for the future,

[Your name]

2. Farewell email to your team manager

This is a tricky one as you’ll have probably shared a lot of experiences with these people and might know them on a personal level.

However, they are still your superior and can provide vital character references and connections in years to come, so your parting note should remind them of your professional prowess rather than your close-and-personal pal-ness.

This message can be complicated further depending on the terms on which you left. It’s best to be sensitive to the individual and the situation to ensure that the appropriate balance is met.

Hello [Their name],

As you know, I am regretfully leaving [Company X] on [date X].

I wanted to personally thank you for both your support and mentorship over the past [years/months X].

I’ve grown as a professional thanks to your tutelage, for which I’m very grateful. I’ve also appreciated knowing you on a personal level, and very much hope we can continue this relationship beyond my final day.

Below are my relevant contact details and I hope you will get in touch at some point in the future.

[Email X, LinkedIn X]

My plans are X and you should know that you’ve played a role in getting me there. So once again, thank you.

Good luck in the future,

[Your name]

3. Farewell email to your team or those you supervise 

As with the email to your team manager, this will vary depending on your relationship with the person. You'll know if most of your interactions were informal, or if you should sign off with a pleasant yet professional farewell. Here's a good example you could use to achieve a bit of both.

Greetings [Their name],

As I‘m sure you already know, I’m moving on from [Company X].

Our final day together will be on [date X] and I look forward to parting on an especially high note. It’s been a pleasure managing you and the team as a whole, and I sincerely wish you luck in your future with [Company X].

My contact details are as follows and I hope you’ll stay in touch in the future as I’d love to hear how everyone is getting on. I am also keen to hear how you continue to develop professionally.

[Email, LinkedIn]

All the best and thanks again,

[Your name]

4. Farewell email to clients 

This is important for all parties involved – the client, yourself, and the company. It should go without saying that you don’t drive away clients that you worked hard to secure for your company in the first place.

Greetings [Client name],

I’m writing to you today because I’m leaving my position of [job title] at [Company X] after [X years/months]. My final working day will be on [Date X].

I wanted to email you personally to let you know how much I’ve enjoyed working together and getting to know you. Clients such as yourself were one of the best parts of the job, and I’m sure my successor will continue the positive working relationship.

Until they make contact, let me know if there is anything I can do to ensure the transition is as smooth as possible. I’m happy to help in any way.

Wishing you well for the future,

[Your Name X]

5.  Farewell email to distant colleagues 

Remember, don’t burn bridges. You never know who you might hurt or who may come in useful.

Hello [Their name],

As you may have heard, I’ll no longer be [job title X] here at [Company X]. I’m moving on to [Plan X]. I’m excited, but unsurprisingly sad to leave my colleagues behind.

I wish you all the luck for your future here and please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Here are my details: [email X, LinkedIn X]

Thanks for everything,

[Your Name X]

6. Farewell email to people you don't really know

This one's important as you always forget putting one or two people on your list. These people may be awful bores, or sweethearts who pass under the radar. So it’s important to be kind and professional while remaining unspecific.

Good day [Their name],

You might have heard that I’ll be leaving my position in [Company X] as [Job Title X] on [Date X]. I hope my successor will enjoy their time here as much as I have, and I wish you all the best for your future.

I am moving on to [Plan X], and I’d like to offer my email and LinkedIn should you wish to get in touch in the future.

[Email X, LinkedInX]

Thanks for everything,

[Your name]


7.  Farewell email to close friends

This one will either be the hardest or the easiest. If you just don’t know what to say to those who mean the most to you, because you’ve said it in person or because there's simply too much to say, here is the template for you.

Hi [Their name],

The day is nearly upon us. Our formidable partnership is coming to an end (in the office at least). I’d like to thank you for everything you’ve done for me here, you’ve made this job so enjoyable.

I’ll always remember [FunnyStory X]. So hopefully whoever replaces me will be rubbish *cough*… I mean… just as productive and efficient as I ever was. Please tell me how they are, and how you are, and how everyone is.

Here are my details, please stay in touch.

[Telephone Xemail X, LinkedIn X]

I’ll see you on my last day [date X] if not before, and I’d love to see you at my [final drinks after work or other event].

All the best,

[Your name]

8.  Farewell email to c-level employees

If you have worked directly with high up professionals, it’s polite and potentially useful to thank them and inform them of your leaving. This must be done professionally and concisely as they likely have no time to spare between meeting the Queen and shaking hands with the Pope.

Good day [highly positioned name],

As you may already know, I am regrettably leaving my role at [CompanyX] as [JobTitle X]. Working for [Company X] has been an excellent opportunity both professionally and personally, and I want to thank you for your involvement in this.

I am planning to [X] and aim to bring forward all the skills that I have learned and used here. I’ll remember this company fondly, and all past collaborations I’ve had with you.

Thanks once more,

[Your name]

9. Farewell email to the security guard, cleaner or receptionist who made your day

Not everyone who enriches your life will receive the thanks they deserve, so make sure to acknowledge the doorman who’d give you a wink and a nod as you left each day.

Hello [Their name],

I’m emailing you to tell you that I’m leaving [CompanyX] as [job title X] on [date X].

I wanted to personally thank you for brightening my time here. Our smiles and interactions always enriched my day and contributed to making my time here all the better.

I hope that our paths will cross again, and here is my email in case you want to get in touch: [email X].

I wish you all the best for the future,

[Your name]

10. Farewell email for leaving drinks invite or other occasion 

If you want to catch up with work friends and close colleagues, you could weave this information into your initial leavers email or write a follow-up separately.


To celebrate my time at [Company X], I would like you all to join me at my leaving drinks [or another occasion, for example, lunch or dinner] at [establishment name and time]. It's a few minutes walk from [insert the closest landmark]. I hope to see you all there. Most of you were more friends than colleagues, and I'm grateful for the support you've shown me over the years.

For all of those who want to stay in touch, here is where you can find me [social media handle or email].

All the best,

[Your name]


Choosing an employee farewell reward

The employee who is leaving isn't the only one who sends a farewell email — usually, their manager shares a few kind words too. Another responsibility the manager or supervisor has — most of the time, is sourcing the leaving reward or gift.

With Perkbox, managers can attach points to recognition, which employees can save or redeem right away on rewards.

As a leaving gift, a manager can send a lump sum of points attached to a special message of recognition. Plus with thousands of rewards to choose from, the leaver is bound to find something they love and can remember the company by. 

Additionally, because Perkbox has so many international brand partners, the rewards don't just include products but also day trips, hotel stays, and much more. They could redeem their points to get a discount on a city break, or treat themselves to a luxury spa day.

Make the last working day extra special with Perkbox

It's sad to say goodbye to a valued colleague, and because of this, it's often difficult to find the words for that final sign-off. 

Perkbox makes the process a little easier by offering plenty of options for leaver's rewards or gifts.

Employees can also leave their own personal goodbye as recognition on the Perkbox app.

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