Samantha Robertson
Head of HR at Seafolly
Why we chose Samantha
Appreciation is a big part of Samantha’s life – even taking time to recognise her local barista. She also brings this appreciation to her colleagues, holding town hall meetings which celebrate the winners of their monthly recognition polls.
What’s your ‘why’? How do you balance work and life responsibilities to fulfil it?
My ‘why’ is to help people appreciate themselves and each other, inside and outside of work.
Juggling life is difficult and at times it can be very hard to strike a balance with work and life responsibilities. I’m not perfect but I do try and appreciate people regularly who are in my life and who are in my daily path – such as the coffee barista!
Can you explain an initiative you've implemented that has made an impact in your workplace?
At Seafolly we needed regular communication, we needed a forum where business updates could be presented and where we could have some fun. Our monthly town halls started last year. It’s where we talk business, have fun with people’s birthdays, say hi to our new starters and reveal the winner of our monthly Perkbox Recognition poll! It’s 30 minutes once a month which has a significant impact on all of the teams.
As a female leader, what have been the most significant barriers in your career?
Sometimes my mind is a battle for me in my career. The mind can be powerful and it can easily make you doubt yourself. To remove this barrier in my roles, I’ve learnt to be courageous and push myself outside my comfort zone because that’s the best place to be!
What advice would you give to the next generation of female leaders?
Say yes to opportunities and if no one asks you then go and find those opportunities to drive your own success. Be kind to yourself and you will grow, be kind to others and you will flourish.