Product Spotlight

Introducing adding Reward to a Recognition

With this new rollout, admin and manager-level users are able to add a Reward when recognising people, thus encouraging the behaviours and the values that drive your company success.

Why have we designed this feature?

Since rolling out our currency-agnostic Reward feature in mid-2022, we’ve been keeping a close eye on feedback from our customers, prioritising the iterations and feature additions that help support your reward and recognition programmes in the best way for your organisations. 

One of the frequent questions we have been receiving is how to help empower managers drive your reward and recognition efforts, thus making these programmes more integral as part of your company culture.

How can adding Reward to a Recognition help you?

Here are 3 key areas this new feature will help you drive:

  • Engagement
    Maintaining engagement with your recognition programmes depends on how easy it is for your team to participate. Especially when it comes to managers, making it easy for them is the key to keep them engaged. 
  • Consistency
    This simplified manager user experience means more of your team will be rewarded across the board, removing the need for you to send reminders and chase managers in order to ensure your different teams have a consistent experience. 
  • Planning
    As more of your managers engage with using their Reward budget, you will be able to see the spending trends, making it easier for you to predict future reward budgets for your managers.

And of course, this means that your people will be recognised more frequently, encouraging the right behaviours and values that help you drive the success of your company.

Getting started with adding a Reward to your Recognition

The feature is available and visible to all users with admin or manager access. 

This means, you don’t need to do anything manual in order to get started: a prompt to add a Reward will come up with along the confirmation message when a Recognition is sent:

However, there are 4 tips to help you get the most out of this new and simplified rewarding experience:

1. Check your employee list is up to date

First step to making sure you’re set up for success is checking that all your people have access to Perkbox. 

You can do it by either uploading a CSV file or by connecting your People directory, which is a great way to save time on adding and removing users. Here’s a quick guide on how to set it up

2. Assign Teams & Managers

In order to assign manager roles, you need to create teams. Example: finance team, front office team, etc

Once your teams are in place, you will be able to assign managers.

Some HRIS integrations sync team data, so all you have left to do is assign managers to teams.

3. Give budget to Managers

Once your managers are in place, you can allocate Reward point budget to them by going into Reward wallet - assign budget.

Select the amount and you’re ready to go.

4. Empower managers to drive your Recognition programme

Don’t forget that the success of your programme depends on how involved your managers are in it. So set up a quick chat with them to reignite their interest in your recognition programme, provide them guidance on how to get started and share their team engagement on a regular basis.

Final thoughts

Adding a Reward to your Recognitions is a simple way to boost the excitement around your recognition programme and to help drive the right behaviours and values in your company.